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Julie Di Adamo CV

Date of birth: 12/01/1999; Nationality: French 

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My PhD project focuses on a way of accelerating the native chemical ligation (NCL) reaction significantly in order to facilitate access to proteins by total synthesis. To achieve this objective and promote the NCL reaction, we mimic the electrostatic mechanisms used by proteins to promote their encounter.



PhD “Development of a biomimetic approach to total protein synthesis”. Supervised by Dr. Oleg Melnyk. Pasteur Institute of Lille, France.


Engineering degree in chemistry and biochemistry. École Supérieure de Chimie, Physique et Electronique de Lyon (CPE), France.


Bachelor degree in Organic, inorganic and analytical chemistry, process engineering. École Supérieure de Chimie, Physique et Electronique de Lyon (CPE), France.