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Eliott roy CV


Date of birth: 08/25/1999; Nationality: French 

Researcher unique identifier: ORCID 0009-0001-7255-9431

My PhD project focuses on the development of new tools based on selenium chemistry for the total synthesis of peptides and proteins through successive and spontaneous ligations.

I contributed to the design of catalytic approaches that accelerate the ligation of peptide segments in water. (Org. Lett. 2023 DOI).



PhD “Development of a novel oligomerization process to access bio-inspired and functional repeat protein mimics”. Supervised by Dr. Oleg Melnyk and Dr. Vincent Diemer. Pasteur Institute of Lille, France.


Master’s degree in Molecular Chemistry. University of Rennes, France.


Engineering degree in Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry. Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes (ENSCR), France.


Technician degree in Organic Synthesis and Analytical Chemistry. University of Le Mans, France.