Date of birth: 04/02/1994; Nationality: Italian
As part of the Mint team my work is focused on the development of new synthetic pathways for the synthesis of non-canonical amino acids, the study of the mechanistic aspects of their reactivity in native chemical ligation (NCL) related reactions and the design and synthesis of amino acid thioesters suitable for genetically-encoded incorporation into proteins.
PhD in Organic Chemistry
BioCIS, CY Cergy Paris Université – Neuville-sur-Oise (France). Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of fluorinated peptide inhibitors of Aspartyl proteases. Supervised by Prof. Julien Pytkowicz and Dr. Evelyne Chelain
Master Degree in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies. Peptlab, Università degli studi di Firenze – Florence (Italy), Peptlab, Université de Cergy-Pontoise – Cergy-Pontoise (France). Rational identification and synthesis of peptide probes for the detection of Anti-drug antibodies in patient sera. Supervised by Prof. Paolo Rovero, Dr. Feliciana Real-Fernandez and Dr. Elisa Peroni
2025 Postdoctoral researcher. Institut Pasteur Lille (IPL) – Lille (France). Development of fast-reacting amino acid thioesters for genetically-encoded incorporation into proteins. Supervised by Dr. Vangelis Agouridas and Dr. Oleg Melnyk
Postdoctoral researcher CNRS. Institut Lavoisier Versailles (ILV), Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines – Versailles (France). Development of new photoredox/organometallic multi-catalytic sequences. Supervised by Dr. Guillaume Dagousset and Dr. Emmanuel Magnier